National Historic Speed Club

National Historic Speed Club

James Shore


National Historic Speed Club


CAF 75K Specification

Engine : 1798 cc

Gearbox : 4 Speed Manual (No Overdrive)

Wheels : 14” Wire Wheels w/ Pirelli CN36 Tyres

Bodywork : Original (Restored in 2012)

Car History

First registered: 1st January 1972

CAF 75K was built and rolled out of the MG Abingdon in December 1971, being dispatched to car dealership Mumfords Ltd in Plymouth.

When it left the factory, the original exterior colour was ‘Green Mallard’ with ‘Autumn Leaf’ (Tan) interior, and it stayed that way during numerous ownerships until 2012.

In September 2012, the car was restored, and the exterior colour changed to ‘Old English White’ (not a standard colour in 1971). The Rosytle wheels were replaced with black wire wheels and a ‘Sebring’ front bumper installed.

Mechanically, the engine continues to be a stock b spec 1.8 engine with only the addition of electronic ignition, pancake air filters and polished SU dash pots installed.

Recent Competition History

The current owner is an active driver in Hillclimbs and Sprints and purchased the car in 2023 with the intention of entering it into a classic car championship. In preparation for this, the car was entered into the last Brighton National Speed Trials in 2023.


NHSC – the club for historic hillclimb and sprinting